Artists, taking care of artists.
Chicago has one of the most vibrant performing arts communities in the world. But the COVID-19 pandemic continues to place an unprecedented financial strain on the thousands of actors, singers, dancers, musicians and other performing artists who - even with theaters and venues beginning to reopen - are still unable to afford even the most fundamental living expenses.
In 2020, producers Jason Brett, Scott Silberstein, Matt Hoffman and Mark Larson assembled an all-star line-up of Chicago celebrities to perform the Blues anthem, Sweet Home Chicago. Featuring an ensemble of more than 100 participants, this star-studded celebration of Chicago and its rich, diverse performing arts community, raised more than $100,000 for the Arts for Illinois Relief Fund, founded by Arts Alliance Illinois to help support the many performing artists struggling in the wake of COVID-19 closures. Arts Alliance Illinois fights for arts resources and policies that benefit all Illinois residents, so please continue your support of Illinois' performing arts community by supporting Arts Alliance Illinois.